There have been times when we put on a thinking hat, gazed dreamily into emptiness in a dimly lit room for hours together and delved into a train of thoughts only to have rejected them as disillusioned or just not having had the motivation or time or energy to pursue the answer. This is a reflection of one of those times.
All of us have been through epochs in time when things didn't go as planned. Depending on how short or long these periods were, the experience may have varied from being an interesting twist to the plot, a challenge to address, a hurdle to overcome, a gloomy day in the season, a series of unfortunate events or perhaps stormy weather prolonging the days of agony. While we relished the smaller challenges, we tended to suffer as we plowed through the longer trials. The initial enthusiasm at the opportunity presented by a challenging situation may have deteriorated into days when you just didn't care anymore.
During some of these longer periods of testy days (in recent memory) some random but frequent thoughts on topics that otherwise evade my everyday ritualistic world, like spirituality, meditation, prayer, philosophy and God would fill the void during the evening walks with friends (going through similar phases). These thoughts were the result of a day when you did all you could to make it count, but nothing happened. A string of these days would suggest that you were not in control of your life, while the quintessential truth as you had known it, suggested otherwise. The process of reconciling this cognitive dissonance created a platform that brought together the elements of spirituality, meditation and God. These were ways to balance an equation that was out of whack, add order to randomness and inject sense into events that seemed to have gone awry. I had thought of God frequently before but there was less questioning. Spirituality was just a tool for achieving control of the mind and not the righteous way to true happiness. As these days prolonged, I wondered if our way of life, where everyone did the same thing, in some form, way or shape, where we all spent our time running after pieces of man-made paper inherently accepting a vicious cycle, was really the way to be. I questioned if I was being rational or if I was just rationalizing. Was I looking at the world through a prism?
Finally, when the days of toil came to a happy ending and the solution to the dissonance was finally discovered (that it existed in the first place because I was not running with the rest of the crowd) the spin on it was that the hard work combined with an element of luck had paid off. Quickly, as I adapted to the way of life which I was just questioning earlier, everything seemed to be just fine. The thoughts instantly disappeared as I began to savor the taste of success. The new vigor injected by the turn of events drowned out those questions (although they remained unanswered).
Did we, during the process of evolving to the place we are at now, discover this to be the best approach to achieving fulfillment in one's lifetime? Or was the potential of the less traveled paths just dismissed because they weren’t just as appealing? Is the ignominy of our indulgence rather a blessing in disguise? The questions linger on.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Just panning it out!
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8:33 PM
Labels: Random Thoughts
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I'm going to have to read this a couple of times before I can grasp fully what you are saying. Having said that, I can say that while we may not be able to control our detsiny, we certainly can control the time given to us and by that I mean, maybe try and not waste too much time on doing mundane things or lazing around, but trying to do things that interest us, even if it means just waking up early for a change to watch the sunrise or enrolling in some classes, whatever it maybe.
We often let our mind wander in many directions of fruitful and fruitless thought that cause a sort of uneasiness in us. Instead of just trying to fill our time, as most of us undoubtedly do, if we tried our hands at something more meaningful, maybe the uneasiness would reduce? I can identify with a lot of what you are saying because most of the time I'm unoccupied with my occupation, I'm uneasy wondering why I'm whiling away the time, when its exactly that which I'm doing!!!!
Hazy as the read may be I was trying to say something very specific. My point is, after doing something for a period of time, we no longer stop to think if we really want to do it. Whether or not we were meant to be what we happen to be (and by this I don't refer to a place in the hierarchy of your organization) doesn’t seem to matter as we march along. The overall variance of our ability to eliminate things we don't like (and include things we like) seems rather limited when you consider the entire picture. If you agree to this in part or full, then what is the best way to go about living? Are we as a race still evolving in this regard to find the best fit? Are we at least trying to?
for a start, a better way to live might be to sit back and think why we are doing something? Is it because we have been told to, is it because we have to fill some social protocols or norms, is it because of peer pressure? If it is any of the above, it is worth considering alternatives and spending some time thinking about alternate routes to fulfilment.
It is also probably not our ability to eliminate things we dont like, rather it is more often than not, our willingness to do that- the resistence to change, even one we know we will embrace paralyses our actions, which again leads back to the power of the mind to construct or destruct
As a race we will always evlove, we will continue to evlove, I dont think there is an end point to evolution as long as life exists, its the path of evolution that we need to think about, we also live in an age of easy availability and easy recah which has dulled our minds beyond beleif, I think an eventuality of us becoming mindless gizmos is what we need to fear the most at this stage...
"I think an eventuality of us becoming mindless gizmos is what we need to fear the most at this stage..."
Thank you Rums.. I should have consulted you before writing, I could have used a 1 line summary of what I was trying to convey.
Ultimately it is the need for betterment of self that drives us to try newer things. Just that a period of trance (during which time you were forced to stay away from this maddening pace of everything else around you), seemed to have provided an interesting take on what you are trying so hard to be a part of.
ur right buddy, something pushes us, drive ambition retslessness whatever, we're the funniest species on earth
Hi Vijay,
Good to see you writing again after a long time(almost an year??).Whenever I think of a blog, yours is one among the top list I look for...your writings are really interesting..I could relate to it :)
Do keep blogging..
Hey Shyamala...
Thanks for your encouraging words.. Yeah I hadn't written in a while.. I guess this latest blog was one year in the making!! :)
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