Saturday, December 15, 2007

Listen to the renditions of this thillana below by Rama Varma and Bala Murali Krishna! As a kid, I used to think of Balamurali Krishna as the guy who sang when someone important died. I clearly remember he was on DD when president Zail singh died... and then some others too!!

Although the nuances of carnatic music are beyond my comprehension I feel that by letting yourself to absorb the music and more importantly the music abosrb you, your mind transcends to a whole another plane, where it is so beautifully peaceful and consumate with knowlegde only defined by the virtue of the ubiquitous melody. I will never be able to express in words this obscure sensation the exact way I feel it. I am not sure if anyone can get to that place by learning music and practicing it with passion like these musicians. Or does it just feel magical to me because it is an unexplored place?

Whatever it is I sure got to give it a shot, if not for anything else to fulfill my long time dream of learning carnatic music.

Thillana by Student (Rama Varma)

Thillana by Guru (Bala Murali Krishna)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a nice write up!I'm happy I read ur blog, keep writing such stuff machi!:)