Monday, September 10, 2007

Al's Run

Last year around the same time, when I saw an ad for Al's run on one of the boards at the alumni memorial union at Marquette, I said to myself that one had to be an elite runner to run a 5 mile race. But I had nothing to do with running then.

Times have changed since and so has my perception. In the past few months running has become THE mainstay of any conversation with my family and friends. To me it is not just a void-filler in a conversation. It has become the fulcrum that keeps my days and weeks in balance. It is like my warehouse of motivation to go on with the school work and job search which otherwise have the potential to drive me nuts.

This year Al's run is on a saturday (15th september 07). I am bifurcated between running an all out 5mile race or doing it at an easy pace to save myself for the 16mile long run on sunday with the badgerland striders running group. (am I lucky to have found them or what!!!) Whatever it is I believe it will be a great experience to share with 16000 other runners, unlike anything I have done before.

On a different front, I am trying to help raise funds for the Children's hospital of wisconsin. This is again one of the firsts for me!!! Honestly, I was afraid that I might end up being the only contributor on my fund raising page. But at the end of day 1 the pledges from friends went upto $25. I was truly elated!! I crowned myself for a grand success at my first effort!!! Even though this is not the reason for writing the blog, my fundraising page is still up and open for contributions :-D..... so feel free to take a look!!! I thank all of those who have pledged and all those who are going to in future!!


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