Sunday, February 11, 2007

Mind Over Body

[say... 2 decades ago]
Growing up as a kid, I once heard a little story about my great grandfather. He had achieved such perfect control of his mind (through meditation), that he could rise up a feet from the ground (in a sitting posture). The man could float in air!!!. (If I remember right they have a picture of him, defying gravity, in my mom's ancestral home!!) I should admit that it didn't mean much to me then. I never gave it so much of a thought.

[Jan 2007]
I was running in the gym nearing completion of the third mile. I wasn't tired (for not being much of a runner), and the breathing was just perfect. Could have easily added a couple of miles to the count.... For some reason I stopped at the end of lap 24. Not a step after that. Why? I was definitely not physically exhausted, but the mind was revolting as though the limit had been reached and shut down on me like some major security breach had taken place.

[Reverberating in time]
I believe the story about my great grandfather that I was told as a small boy, though Newton might not be particularly pleased. With only 1% of that kind of control, I'd probably run 30 marathons a month without breaking a sweat!! The inevitability and importance of the mind's control and understanding of the body in achieving one's goals cannot be over-stressed.
